Free Resources
Our free resources are provided to help you make your organisation more accessible and inclusive for your disabled employees and customers. The available guides will be updated regularly to offer you more free information and advice. Please feel free to share them with your colleagues!
Accessible Internal Communications [pdf]
Accessible Communications [pdf]
Choosing an accessible venue or making an event accessible [pdf]
Dyslexia in the Workplace [pdf]
ETUK Disability Language Guide [pdf]
Hidden or Invisible Disability in the Workplace [pdf]
How to make your Word documents more accessible [pdf]
How to make your recruitment process accessible [pdf]
How to make your retail space wheelchair accessible [pdf]
How to make your refuge accessible for Deaf and hard of hearing people [pdf]
How to make your workplace more accessible for visually impaired employees [pdf]
Office Accessibility – The Physical Environment [pdf]
Reasonable adjustments for Deaf and hard of hearing people in the workplace [pdf]